Hello, I'm " taszel14" as known worldwide thru my
online shop:
A lady from the Philippines with naturally long
dark hair presently residing in Perth, WA after living in Singapore for 11 years ..
in the quiet province of Laguna located south of Manila - the
capital City of the Philippines where I finally grew up. Second to the eldest of 4 siblings whose father worked
hard patiently almost day & night as a train conductor inorder to make both ends meet. My experiences as a child were
not as happy as other kids my age during those childhood days. Product of a broken family and was raised just by
a single parent - my Father. Despite of that, I had managed to take care of myself along with my
siblings during the absence of my mother who left our home when I was just 6 years old. Thru the years I had
learned how to manage life the hard way and became very independent . My Eldest Sister & I were very
lucky enough to be sent to College. Sadly, my 2 younger brothers never made it to college due to lack of sufficient financial
support but were lucky enough to find good jobs due to their talents as well.
During my school years as a child I
had demonstrated great interests in ARTS & CRAFTS . I obviously became my teacher's pet
most of the time that other students were jealous about me. I had received Medals of recognition for my
talents & skills , gained titles & honors for being "Best in ARTS"
in my class, 1st Honorable Student in Grade 3, Honorable Student in Grades
2,4 & 6, ACCELERATED Class Student ( 1975-1977 ). i had Managed
to finish Primary & Seconday School in just 5 Years instead of 6 years. She had contributed to the winnings of
School Trophies regarding Inter-School Single or Group Competitions in Stage Acts /Plays as well as in Drawing
& Math Competitions. Being a product of a broken family and surrounded by poverty, my determination to change my
life was my main inspiration in my studies.
College studies only took me 3 1/2
Years instead of the normal 4-5yrs. to finish . I finished my BACHELOR OF
in Manila in October 1984. Looking Back, the only thing I do always regret even up to now was the fact
that both of my parents were never there to escort me on stage to receive my awards , share the honors &
be proud of me as their child. I had nevertheless been very thankful to my kind hearted teachers who were always
there to pin the medals / ribbons for me.
After college, I had worked in
many different fields and met a lot of interesting people from all walks of life along the way. I had travelled in Asia
( Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hongkong, Macau, Shanghai China) & Europe
( Paris France, Hameln Germany, Sluis Holland, Belgium ) and realized the great differences
& similarites in life of East & West which had broaden my perspective even more . For me ,
" it's
a must for every woman to accessorize inorder to further enhance her looks & personality to greater heights.
The accessories we wear say as much about us as the clothes. Simple & elegant, yet distinctive. Accessories need
not be the most expensive ... it rather should be a piece of ornament somebody is comfortable with and
gives ultimate satisfaction to the wearer."

My passion for handmade beaded jewelries led me to
create most of my own accessories during my working days. I was always happy to recall how my Friends were
always interested to own pieces of my creations back then.
Presently , I'm living in Perth
,Western Australia ( for 2 years now ) with my Belgian Husband and our 2 lovely kids. I'm very happy
to know that my family would stay in Perth for a few more years. Being in a busy environment,
i am a person not fond of dull moments .I am revolutionary
& creative. I had always hope to pursue an area I am passionate about & then dedicate myself towards
being the best at the craft I had chosen. Whatever I do, I always strive to do the best. I believe that if
I work hard at what I love doing ,I can build something solid.
I had always wanted a kind of work Where
I can maximize my own talents, be my own Boss , would not keep me away from my family & where I
can perform in the comfort of my home at my own pace & time. Surprisingly, I didn't have any Formal
schooling in connection to Jewelry Making .
I would say certain talents flows freely
mainly from within one'self (inborn) or self taught partially in nature.I only depended solely browsing
on any Art / Craft books , Modern technology ( internet ) to broaden my know how about Jewelries . Nevertheless
inborn talents matched with Style & Vision for Colors are made to be my key for success .
Visibly proven by my creations & designs
which according to people are mostly Stunning, Unique and One of a Kind. Although some of my creations were inspired
by travels throughout the world, my art skills are there further enhancing the designs . my Inborn talent to
create ideas & self-taught techniques in a variety of art media had really put me in a position not everyone
else can easily reach . My greatest pleasure is the smiles & satisfaction of my customers wearing my unique & stylish creations proudly.
As an Economics graduate I had studied
the market and surveyed what were the most in demand products in market and things that sell a lot
online. Having no knowledge about computers at all ( Computers were meant only for Companies & Offices during my
College Days in the Philippines about 20 years ago ), I had spent countless days & nights figuring out What
or how to press the right keys. Equipped with severe Determination , It didn't take me long to train myself
online & to discover that my own passion " Handmade Beaded Jewelries " are always hot items constantly
demanded by markets & individual buyers all over the world.
Combining Patience, Determination
, Confidence and enough Inborn Creative Talent as my main working Capital =
Its success I can proudly define nowadays as related to continued customer
satisfaction -delivering the best service by providing Great Quality Products .